Set Review - #10309-1: Succulents - Botanical Collection/18+

The Botanical Collection has become very popular ever since #10280-1: Flower Bouquet was released in 2021. #10309-1: Succulents is from the 2022 releases in the collection. I purchased it on sale during 2022, but it sat a bit until I was able to build it with my NLS. I finally got to it, so here’s the review. This set was released in the US on 12 April 2022 for $49.99. It contains 771 pieces and the price per piece works out to $0.065 per piece. This isn’t too bad, but you have to keep in mind that the set contains a lot of smaller pieces versus larger bricks or plates.

The front of the box shows the full assembled set. It has the 18+ design and shows that it is part of the Botanical Collection. The back shows another view of the various succulents, some actual succulents, and then how you can connect the various “pots” together in different ways.

The set contains four parts bags labeled one through three with number three having two bags. The instructions come in a cardboard envelope for protection.

There are three instruction booklets which correspond to the three separate bags. This build can be split up so that three different people work on it at once. I took booklet one. My NLS took booklet three. We did a team build for booklet two.

Similar to previous botanicals, the booklets have little tidbits throughout about the build, the items you’re building, and the parts usage.

The first bag starts with the Orange Echeveria (in the middle of the picture). Each build starts in a similar way with a base and then the 1x2 brick with Technic axle holes around the base for connections. Then you put the panel pieces around the edge of the top. Then you build the succulent. Not much to the Orange Echeveria. It’s a pretty simple build.

The Aloe Plant is built next (on the right). The highlight here is the use of the rubberized Jurassic Park dinosaur pieces for the aloe leaves/stalks. The color is pretty accurate and the plant actually looks like a little aloe plant.

Last up is the Hens and Chicks succulent (on the left). This one was a fun build with the various layers expanding out on each other. The color usage is great too as you get some pieces in colors that don’t show up often.

The second bag starts off with a small unnamed succulent (one on left). It’s a simple build, but the highlight here is the usage of the Forestmen hat from the Castle line for leaves. You get four of them in this build.

Next up is the Lavender Echeveria (center). It’s hard to see the parts inside when it’s located close to the other succulents, but if you put it individually, you can spread out the petals a bit. I’m not sure where the petal pieces came from. A mech set maybe?

Last up is the Moon Cactus (on the right). There’s a bit of repetition in this build as you construct the cactus and the top part, but it’s small so not too bad. The color on top is a new one for me. I like the pinkish-reddish color.

Bag three starts off with the Ball Cactus (in the center). I can’t remember where I’ve seen the claw like pieces around the cactus before, but I like the use of that piece type to achieve the look of a small cactus.

Next up is the Burro’s Tail (on the right). This one is composed of Jurassic Park dinosaur eggs. You definitely get a lot of them. The SNOT piece inside to hold up all the branches kind of stands out and doesn’t ‘fit in well, but at least they are the same color as the egg pieces.

Last up is the Red Echeveria (on the left). This one is pretty cool looking and matches up well with the succulent pictured on the back of the box. The tips of each leaf have an abrupt break at each point, but it’s not so bad where it causes the plant to look awful. I’m okay with it.

Here are a few shots of the set from different angles. Overall, I like the set and the different builds to create the numerous succulents. My NLS already placed some of them around the house for decoration. I definitely recommend this one if you’re a fan of the Botanical Collection. However, I don’t recommend getting it at full price. $50 seems a bit much considering the size of the set. When I was done, it looked rather small considering the price. I picked it up for $40 before Christmas and I suspect it will be discounted again this year. Definitely wait for the discount and maybe get another bonus along the way if you can like Target’s or Amazon’s BOGO sales or getting a gift card for purchasing a certain amount.

Happy building!